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Monday, November 22, 2010


So today I went to Skynugget's house and played FFX for like 5 hours with her. And I have some things to say.
First off, I was wrong about never getting to play blitzball. You do- but it kind of sucks. I lost really badly and have no desire to play again.
Second off, plot twist! The whole Sin getting defeated but never being truly defeated thing makes sense now.
Freakin' whale.
I'm starting to get a better grasp of the fighting system, though I never knew about some features of it until Skynugget pointed them out to me. The whole thing (and the whole game, actually) is too goldurn complicated.
While playing today I took some nice pictures that I'd like to share with you all.
My enemy had one freakin' HP left. Ghh
The person in the middle is Yuna. I was like, "What the hell happened to Yuna?" and Skynugget replied, "She got stoned!"
This kid was racing around the inn. He'd make a great blitzball.
Since I just uploaded pics off my phone, I'll go back and add the one where Jake's legs were through the windshield to my A Dog's Life post. 
Anyway, the game is starting to make a little more sense, but at the same time still doesn't make sense. I've finally gotten used to that infernal sphere grid. 
I really like Lulu. She's a bitchy, wonderful character who's strong as hell. <3
That's all for now, folks. And remember:

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