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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Clocks, Stars, and Love

Today was a pretty great day. Anime Club was great as usual- it seems that a lot of people want to go to the convention with me all three days. YES.
This morning while reading Archaeology magazine I came upon the greatest name ever. Tarquinius Superbus. He was the last Etruscan king of Rome. The Romans overthrew him in 509 because they didn't like his assholeishness. But seriously, who doesn't want their last name to be "Superbus"? That's like "Superb us" or even better, "Super bus". That's like having the last name "Awesomedude".
There's actually some guy named Max Fightmaster. I learned this while lurking on the other day. Kickass name, man.
In other, completely unrelated news, it has been like over a month since I have cleaned my bathroom. My toilet is growing a soul patch. Every time I look at it, I think about how I need to clean it, but I just haven't done it yet. It's actually kind of a good thing that my bathroom is so gross, because I have a tendency to clean obsessively when I'm sad or angry. My nasty toilet is proof of my happiness with my life. How does that make sense? I dunno.
For the past two days, I've been meaning to play a little KH. Like I said, I'm addicted. But homework and friend issues have been getting in the way... I kind of approve of this though, because it's good to break the addiction every once in a while. I do that with the internet sometimes- I'll stay offline for a month, just to prove that I can. That hasn't happened recently though. I need a negative stimulus to force me to act in such a dramatic way.
It's sort of weird to me that I'm psychoanalyzing myself on the Internet, where everyone can see it. I guess I'm kind of hoping that no one reads this blog, so I can keep being selfish and talking about the way my mind works.
It's kind of weird how names develop. You're only really stuck with three names in your life- your first, middle, and last. But with those names (and with random inside jokes, and personal decisions, and interests, etc.), you can make a million different nicknames and handles and things. That's part of what's great about the Internet- you can name yourself whatever you want. If you want to be an emo videoblogger, you can name yourself ilovebloodanddeath on YouTube.
I personally call myself Pigeonmeister (or Zepigeonmeister), as a result of an inside joke from 7th grade. I get a lot of weird looks for it (because it's my email address too), but I look the people who give me those weird looks straight in the eye and say, "Yeah, I'm a master of freakin' pigeons. What's it to ya?", although probably not as rudely.
I also call myself Ika (usually with anime sites). This is a result of a shortening of Ikazuchi Usagi, which means "Thunder Rabbit", which I thought was a cool name when I was 13. Wow, I'm 17 now. It's been 4 years since I started my Internet life. I feel so old sometimes... But then I talk to Gramps and Kumori, and I feel like a young lady. They're old.
Well, I can't really think of anything else to say for the moment. I'm supposed to be doing Calculus and/or my Hamlet paper. Maybe I'll go do that. Or maybe I'll just talk to Gramps and tease him about being old. ONLY TIME WILL TELL.
Ps: the title is associations.

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