You're not going to get a post about X-Men Legends, because Skynugget and I are stuck and we got fed up with it.
So we played Oregon Trail II.
At first, I thought someting had happened and it wasn't going to work, because we got this:
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Some shit's goin' down. |
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Delicious. |
So we set off. We started with the following conditions, if you care (it doesn't matter all that much):
Of course, the first thing you have to do is buy supplies. Skynugget and I were surprised to discover that we had 18 pairs of socks, but no pants. Or shirts. That'll make for an awkward trail ride.
"Hey... I like your socks."
"Thanks... I like yours too."
(awkward silence as everyone tries not to stare at each others' bodies)
Then we got to talk to this lovely specimen of manhood, who speaks for himself:
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I would like to have this man narrate my life. |
Who the hell needs 451 pounds of bacon?!
Of course our wagon tipped over in the river.
The following picture is of a man who actually offended me a lot. I'm not Mexican, but this dude was so stereotypical and had such a bad voice that I cringed.
Also, you see what he's saying? "Well, I figure we're seeing the elephant for sure now!" Skynugget and I have no clue what that means, but four separate people said it to us four separate times. Did they know about elephants back then? And even if they did, what on earth does an elephant have to do with a tipped wagon?!
Skynugget got cholera, we got the elephant message again, and we met this guy:
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Howdy-do! Whee doggies! Hot diggity dog! |
Dutch Optimo freaking shot himself. How do you even do that? This was on a day when we didn't even get anything from our hunting trip. Then it got worse.
At this point we had a bit of a dry spell, if you will. A bunch of people died of thirst.
Then: salvation! Unfortunately, we couldn't buy the man. Or water.
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We sort of ran out of meat. Now let me explain something to y'all. I love cute fluffy things. Bunnies especially. So I refuse to shoot the bunnies that crop up in this game. Of course, they kept running past me, and there was just about nothing else. Skynugget got really furious with all this and yelled "BUNNAYYYYYYY" every time one appeared. Hehe
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We settled in Salt Lake City. Even though we had been journeying to Oregon. Sigh.
We started another game. One of our men died, and we got this picture:
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That's definitely a woman. Was Casper a crossdresser?! |
We got okayishly far. Then, we crossed a river and got completely stuck. We made no progress whatsoever. And worst of all, our wagon parts kept breaking (even though we weren't moving), and we had to trade for replacements. This is normally fine. However, the only thing these people would accept in exchange for their parts (hehe) was a mule! And when we tried to haggle, all the people would do was say "Screw this. 2 mules then!" And so we ran out of mules. We tried lightening the wagon load, eventually dumping literally everything in the wagon. It was no use. We sat there for about a year, eating the last of our mules and starving to death.
We played again, and the following unusual things happened: Buddy got attacked by a mountain lion (I didn't even know that was possible in this game), Skynugget got water poisoning, and we kept finding abandoned wagons.
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Thanks, grandma. |
At one point, we found a pitchfork in one of the wagons. Just a pitchfork. Skynugget said, "Oh gee, we got us a pitchfork. Now if we want to start a riot or something..."
Then we found a hope chest, and she said, "I got me a mobile home now!"
I think she'd been affected by the trailfolks' way of speaking. Either way, she stopped being funny after that. (XD jk. She's always pretty funny. Except this morning when she gave me a crappy gift D< )
Anyway, here ends what is quite possibly the longest post ever. As usual, here is the picture of the day, brought to you by Picture is Unrelated:
Have a great-tastic holiday.
Also, happy Atheist Day, aka today, December 23. Just because I said so. Let's make it a tradition.
Peace be upon the ninjas.
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