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Friday, December 10, 2010


So Eagle came by the other day to play X-men legends AGAIN. I can't get rid of this lady XD Anyhow, recently I've been forgetting where we are in this game, because i keep having flashbacks of snow and death and falling off cliffs, from the most difficult place imaginable. I'm talkin about that area where we died a ridiculous amount of times. It gave me a bad impression on snow in this game, and now I can't get it out of my head. SIGH. moving on. We finally got back from that nightmare, and we had to be ms. lava again. What was her name again? Flamio? Miranda? Lucy? I dunno. Well, we had to explore the grounds and meet students and think about becoming an X-men (even though she's a WOMAN! c'mon people!), and then we meet a beast in blue coloring. I forget his name too. Well he tells me about life, and then suddenly we have an option to go through his flashback, cuz yknow, he's a knowledgable blue beast, and thus has flashbacks. Me and eagle did not realize that we could move in this flashback, so of course we were surprised to find people attacking the X-men, and low and behold they weren't moving! So we were using completely different characters, the blue beast guy as the lead, and had to fight big pink robots.
Yes. That's right. BIG. PINK. ROBOTS.
I lol'd at that, eagle got angry at me, we ate snacks, Cat came in, and of course we kicked butt. That's just the way it went. oh. and Eagle went the wrong direction sometimes, but that was ok because I was there to guide her :3 I made sure we checked every nook and cranny before moving forward, so as not to miss an item. LOL. She got angry by my slowness. It was fun. I was in my snuggie and Eagle was in her bunny slippers, we were seriously relaxed.
Moving on. We defeated all the pink robots and the flashback just ended. Suddenly. NO WARNING AT ALL. We stared at each other because the ending of this flashback was so abrupt. But oh well. We got over it.
At first I thought this flashback was completely irrelevant and totally random, no point whatsoever just wasting time. But no. I was wrong. But I didn't realize that until later. First we had to save an australian mutant from the sewer people. Wow that sounds ridiculous XD But I'm serious. This mutant was an X-man too, and his name is Gambit. This Australian mutant named Gambit got caught by the mutants who felt so shunned they had to go into the underground. They hate outsider mutants. and other outsiders for that matter.
Wait, why am i even explaining this!? The storyline barely ever matters!
We were in the sewers. and kept dying AGAIN. It was so odd, and leveling in the Danger room just wasn't working. So as people died and we were without any healing items, Eagle became the last person standing. So she ran.
and ran.
and RAN.
Away from the millions of sewer mutants coming after her!
She was trapped in a corner! She panicked, unknowing what to do, and then one of the mutants blew up the door, and suddenly BAM! Exit yes! Eagle ran again, trying just to get out of the mess that was mutant. and of course, she got out of that area.
and into a boss fight.
We started over in the sewer.
This ended up happening to me, and I did the same thing. We couldn't revive anyone because we didn't have enough money, it was like the cost for reviving had gone up! It was like taxes for god's sake! aaaaaaaaahgh.
The moral of this story is teamwork. Together, we got through this and the mutant chick boss fight.

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