Ok. It's storytime again kids. Gather round mother and listen to her words. She has wisdom. Apparently.
So this week has been both trippy and iffy. Monday. . . I don't even remember what happened Monday. That's what happens when you get as old as I do. You tend to forget things, such as Mondays and whatnot. But anyhow. Tuesday was an iffy anime club, but it was still good. My bf who will be title Teddy Bear, was very sweet and wonderful.
Let's move onto way more important things. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get to too much video gaming, of which I am very upset about. However, I have been lazy and don't have too much gaming left to do. I still need to finish Star Ocean, which I started at like the beginning of high school and never finished. Then. . . uh. I forget what else I need to finish. Oh well.
Let's see. Oh yeah. I was watching an anime that is really bad and good at the same time. It's completely girly and slow and whatnot, but I still can't stop watching it anyway. It's called Aishiteruze baby, and I first came across it as a manga.
This was a seriously adorable manga. It's about a kinda playboy high schooler named Kippei, who is forced to take care of his cousin Yuzuyu, because her dad died and her mom disapeared. Yuzuyu is only five years old, and doesn't really understand why her mom left her. So she thinks her mom hates her, and is trying really hard to be good because she wants her to come home.
Of course, Kippei is totally infatuated with this adorable lil thing, because she's trying so hard and is so cute. But don't even think about any incest crap! this manga doesn't involve that at all, and neither does the anime!
So as Kippei is taking care of Yuzuyu and helping her through the troubles of her life, he starts to grow feelings for his classmate Kokoro. Kokoro is a very independent beauty who wants nothing to do with Kippei, but also secretly likes him (of course.)She doesn't like what a sleeze he is with girls, and so refuses to go out with him. But she has things she's dealing with too, and Kippei sorta helps her through it by comforting her. I'm not spoiling the rest of this for you kids, but i'm pretty sure you know how this goes.
I loved the manga when I got into it like a year ago. The anime is ok, but I don't like the opening or ending songs. They're like lullabies, and I like songs like that they're like the song from Furuba (Itsumo, if you want to listen to it, but these songs were just. . . ugh. Bad rythm, just. . . no. And some of the music in the background of the anime just bother me. The humorous music is played in awkward places sometimes, and makes the anime lighter than it actually is. And then they sorta portray Yuzuyu as whiny, when really she's just trying to sort out the issues placed on her by bad parenting choices. She has very innocent worries that aren't her fault at all, yet her bad BAD crying voice acting makes me wanna smack her. Well not her, her voice actor. And I do mean japanese voice actor. I swear they just use the same clip of her crying and looping it and reusing it for any other episode where she cries! aaaaagh.
However, the animation is rather decent. Granted, this was made a few years ago, so it's slightly mediocre, but still the coloring and shading is good, and the movement is alright. The way the faces are structured are done nicely. And in general, I love the story. It's very profound, sweet, and all around life lesson learning. I recommend this, though preferably the manga, if you ever get the chance.
That's the end of this story. I'll tell more about my life and other anime and video games later. and yes. Teddy Bear is a ginger <3
Woman! Change your picture size!