Time for a post about Final Fantasy X. I'm lazy, so I will probably be mostly letting the pictures do the talking.
One of the things I hate most about video games is that they sometimes have hideous camera angles that make it super difficult to do stuff and occasionally give me headaches. Like the picture below, for instance.
Where's Tidey? |
Tidus is that tiny little yellowish speck in the center of the picture. And it's not as though this picture was taken when I was in some out-of-the-way place trying to get a treasure chest. No. Tidus is standing right in front of a save point, which is one of the most important things in this game. A tiny little lifesaver.
Also, this one. It's looking down on Tidus. Why? I don't know! But this has to be the most awkward camera angle in existence.
Just jump, Tidus... Work up the nerve so I don't have to listen to your conceited yammering anymore (lol irony) |
Another thing I hate about this game, particularly in the Macalania Woods, is the shiny objects.
That's right. You just heard (er... read) someone easily distracted by shiny objects say they don't like shiny objects.
So this picture is a bad example. But there are shiny things freakin' everywhere that look like they could be magical treasure, but are really just part of the scenery. Big huge letdown. I want those shiny hours of my life back.
There are a lot of awkward situations/positions in this game.
Teehee. Auron likes. |
There's also a lot of awkward standing around while some character or another explains their life story.
We're waiting... and waaaaaaitiiiiiiiiiiing... |
Have I mentioned yet that you ride a ridiculous gigantic bird all over the place? It's a Chocobo, which sounds like some sort of horribly fattening chocolatey dessert. I must admit, the Chocobo Theme that plays when you're riding one is pretty fun, and the birdies do get you places fast. FLY, PELICAN!
Badass. |
Of course, the thing I hate most about this game is the fact that Skynugget likes it. It's sort of funny that I hate all the parts she likes. The awkward laughter scene and the awkward make-out scene (sorry, spoiler alert for those of you who can't see the obvious) seem to be her favorites, but I really and truly despise them with all my shriveled black heart.
That being said, I love fluffy bunnies. My bunny is tiny and black and cute and gives me scars <3
Such an adorable little bundle of evil. <3 |
I picked up said tiny cute bundle of evil tonight... my chest is all scratched up. Such is life with an evil bunneh.
Whoa, I'm getting off track. Time for a cutscene!
Jk. Time for this to end.
From now on, I will be ending my posts with a random picture of the day. Today's RPOTD is one that reminded me of Chelsea:
Love love,
1. That picture is beautiful.
ReplyDelete2. COME ON, PELICAN.
3. Why the heck is Yuna so...tiny in that one screenshot? What ever happened to that little thing called PERSPECTIVE?
ReplyDeleteif anything, you frodoing complainer, it's a chicken. but it's not. IT'S A CHOCOBO!