So, I played A Bug's Life today.
Let me backtrack and tell you the story of my history with this game.
Way back when I was like sevenish years old (according to my mom), I went to Wisconsin to visit some family. My mom's stepsister was just leaving her teenage years, and she had a Gameboy Color from her youth. I don't remember exactly how it went down, but I know I ended up getting my lovely yellow Pokemon edition Gameboy Color, Pokemon Yellow, and this hideous piece of carp called A Bug's Life.
All I remember about the first time I played this garbage is that I really, really hated it. I think I only played it once or twice before I put it in my drawer o' stuff and left it to sit there for years while I played Pokemon.
So of course, when I finished Pokemon Blue (finally, after years of giving up in the freaking Seafoam Islands), I figured I'd take another look at the game that made me really really angry.
I wish I hadn't.
The first thing I noticed when I turned on this bucket of kitten poo was that the graphics on the credits looked really, really nice. It was all swirly and sparkly and stuff. "Ooh!", I said to myself, "what have we here? Could I have been wrong all those years ago? Could this be a legit game?"
The main menu didn't look as good as the initial credits, but still looked passable. Then, there was this hideous purple screen that explained the story. so, my apprehension mounting, I started playing the game.
It didn't let me enter a name, so I couldn't be "Butt$". I couldn't help but feel that I would have been marginally happier with everything had I been able to name my character Butt$, but oh well.
So. Basically, this piece o' fiery pigeon is a side-scrolling sort of walking around game. You play as Flik the ant, who walks really freakin' slowly and has a crap jump. You can pick up berries or nuts or something and throw them at enemies, but it's really easy to run out of those, since they're hard to come by. It also doesn't help that the button with which you throw the nuts (B) is the same as the button you use to run, so if you're running into something, you can waste all your nuts (hehe) on a log.
The graphics are... between awesome and mindblowingly suckish. The vines and ground are pretty well detailed. The ground is even kind of amusing at times, because you can see occasional fish skeletons and stuff in it. However,
So I kind of stopped here before the power outage. Luckily, it saved. Now, like 5 days later, I am going to finish the post XD
However, the sky is just plain... cyan. No clouds, no birds, nothing interesting at all! The only bit of unusable scenery is the dandelion, which just sort of waves around.
It's not too difficult to tell where items are and what you can walk on, but it is horribly difficult to actually get onto things. At the end of the first level, there's this mushroom next to an upright, huge-leafed vine. I thought that this jump would be easy, since it was already established that you can jump on the leaves of the vine. However, I just couldn't get on the freakin' mushroom! I tried and tried, but it just didn't work. I swear I jumped THROUGH the mushroom a few times! Irritated, I turned to the Internet. It turns out that every fourth jump is extra high. Wow. I never would have figured that out on my own. Seriously! Thank you, TehY2kar)~!
By the time I found this little nugget of information, I had turned off the game in disgust and left it on a random table in my basement. I haven't yet gone back to it to try the tip, but I will soon. I will finish this infernal game!
But seriously, why create a stupid little feature like that, especially with objects that it looks like you can just jump onto? Come on! Don't make me look silly just standing there jumping! Is this some sort of reference to the movie? Granted, I hated the movie when I was a kid (I hated most Disney movies. And actually most movies in general), so I will probably not know if various features of the game are related to the movie or not. Maybe I should rewatch the movie to form a proper review. Maybe I will, if I'm bored enough. I think I have it on VHS.
Picture of the day: That horrible plot explanation screen. I didn't take this picture, because whenever I try to take pictures of my Gameboy I end up with weird reflections. So I got this from the picture section for the game on GameFAQs.
Have a good day.
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