I haven't been on here since the dawn of time, so I would like to take time, instead of rebutting everything that crazy woman eagle says, to talk to you about something related to my life but totally not related to this blog. An artist called Color Theory :)
Color Theory, Baby!!!!
Color Theory is an artist classified as electronic indie pop. His name is Brian Hazards, and he started taking music lessons when he was 13. apparently he thinks that's late lol, but I don't care because heck, this music is great. Anyhow, he is a nerd and amazing, with 8 albums out, but he doesn't have a record label. He feels being free like he is now makes the music come better. He's pretty interactive with his fans, I sent him a comment on his youtube page, and the next day I got a friend invite from him! Most of his music is on itunes and pretty official, but some of it he just puts online for the fun of it, and some he even allows download for free!
Oh, but I've babbled enough about the guy himself, though he is a very polite and sweet guy. Let us move to the music!
The first song I ever heard from him was "If It's My Time to Go" and immediately I knew this artist wasn't like any other I had ever listened to. Not only were the lyrics blunt and poetic, they were also honest and sweet. He wasn't harsh with his words, yet by the end of the song I could feel the emotion build up in my chest because accompanied with the soft but powerful piano, the song was perfect. I recently made an amv that can be linked HERE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfvfJOoL0cc
A lot of his music is like that. However, sometimes he isn't as sweet as this song. The most important factor is that he is always honest with what his feelings are with the song. If he thinks a relationship isn't going to last, he will say so, no beating the bush. There is vivid imagery in a lot of his songs, like in the one "We're Not Getting Any Younger" He specifically recalls a time when it was thundering and he stood with a girl on the top of a lifeguard tower. Man, so detailed and romantic, but he doesn't dramatize any of it, he just makes it come off in that romantic way. The elctronic pop, which i would find annoying in such emotional songs, actually benefit Color Theory. It all matches up so well, I couldn't imagine any element of the songs be removed.
Ok, so the album art kinda freaks me out, but I think's its supposed to be modern "You can't understand it" kind of art. He is not mainstream, so he can have whatever artwork he wants haha. He doesn't have a label either, so he doesn't have someone in his ear going "This looks too weird for the masses!"
Since he is indie, that means he's a bit more unique then everything on the radio lately. But that doesn't mean he's bad or good, it just means he's a different kind of sound, and I just so happen as to adore his sound. Somepeople must also, because one of his songs hit rockband, and that song is pretty good. It's called "If Not Now When" and while there is a small part that rythmically bothers me a bit, I still love the song.
In conclusion, Color Theory has honest and beautiful lyrics, with the electronic piano beat that gets me right here *points to heart* I recommend listening to his album "The Thought Chapter" and his most recent one "The Sound" Ok, NAMINESFRIEND OUT!
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